Windows - Solutions to Insufficient Privileges

How to get permission as administrators?

when you want to copy/delete/modify some files, you may encounter the problem of insufficient privileges. The following message may occur: “Error, you need permission as administrators.” So you can take following steps to get rid of it.


1. Close the application and restart it as administrator

  • You can find “open as administrators” in the right click options. Click on it and log in as usual.
  • Then repeat your operations such as uploading or copying the protecetd file.
  • Problem solved!


2. Check the propeties of files

  • Properties in the right click options

  • click on security -> and then “Advance” => click on “ add”

  • choose the following options

    1. Type :permission ,
    2. Main : input name of current user
    3. visit : complete visit
  • click on “YES”
    =》redo the operations in the software=》Problem solved!

    你可以检查受保护文件的属性, 并右键点击安全->高级选项,选择查看权限(以管理员身份),点击添加(选择: 允许,现在的用户,完全访问),确定。 再重新在软件中运行修改文件。